
Free-to-host Drawpile server designed with you in mind, offering exclusive features for a seamless experience.

  • Never lose your artwork: Every session comes with its own convenient webpage (like this one), where you can easily download your recordings. For private sessions, access is securely locked behind your password.
  • Control your visibility: Announce your Drawpile sessions on any subdomain under abstract.moe, share it with friends to keep it personal, or make it invite-link only — your call.
  • Simplify administration: Automate tasks with custom scripts like AFK bot, Panorama bot, and more for hands-free management.
  • Customize your session page: Personalize your invite links and session webpage for an unique touch.
  • Up to date: Enjoy cutting-edge features like streamed resets — experience no more resets (beta required).
  • Flexible session settings: Choose whether to allow guests, enable web users, or keep it exclusive.

For more details, see the instructions in the server information session session. Idle timeout is set to 48 hours. Server located in NY - USA. Contact me for hosting options in other regions.


The rules from the common community guidelines apply to this and all other communities.

Have common sense

This server is free to use as long as you respect it.

Three strikes, you are out

First time is a warn, second time is a kick, third time is a ban.

Drawpile's Common Community Guidelines apply here too

if your session gets reported, moderation will visit it.

Anyone join and host sessions on this server without an account.

You can use drawpile.net accounts on this server.

Any session can be joined via web browser.

Adult content permitted in sessions marked not suitable for minors (NSFM)




You can add this community to Drawpile to see these session listings directly on Drawpile's Browse page.

You can also add it manually by clicking on the Add button on the Browse page and entering https://abstract.moe/listing/