
US based hosting focusing on community and interacting with fellow artists. We allow SFW and NSFW sessions with a 48-hour inactivity timeout.


The rules from the common community guidelines apply to this and all other communities.

  • NSFW sessions will ensure all of their users are 18+, no minors are allowed, no exceptions.
  • Depiction of children (anyone under the age of 18) in sexually suggestive manners or sexual implications is NOT allowed. This includes photos, art, descriptions or other forms of depiction.
  • Any form of mockery or hate towards individuals regarding race/ethnicity/language/sexual orientation/gender identity or other defining factors is NOT tolerated. There will be no hate speech, racist symbols or otherwise offensive content, this includes usernames you are using in sessions.
  • Extreme forms of content like sexual implications with animals are NOT allowed in public sessions.
  • Any attempts of "trolling" or being unpleasant to others with malicious or nefarious intent is NOT tolerated.
  • Sessions must be correctly tagged as SFW or NSFW, failure to do so will result in session termination and/or potential warnings/bans.
  • Failure to follow any of these basic rules and common community guidelines will result in a ban.

Moderation and Sessions

  • As stated above, if you are considering hosting a session using ahaven.net (or any community for that matter) you must correctly tag your sessions regarding SFW and NSFW.
  • Derogatory words and slurs are NOT tolerated in session names or chats.
  • Session Operators/Moderators are required to follow common community guidelines and follow all of the above rules.
  • Session Operators/Moderators reserve all rights to take action as they see fit against "trolls" and otherwise inappropriate content.

Most important of all;

Be kind and welcoming to others, we want to grow the Drawpile community; not exclude people trying to join it.

Have fun! -AH

Anyone join and host sessions on this server without an account.

You can use drawpile.net accounts on this server.

Any session can be joined via web browser.

Adult content permitted in sessions marked not suitable for minors (NSFM)


