Serberus is still a work in progress! Check back soon for updates! is a community open to the public provided you have a registered account.
The rules from the common community guidelines apply to this and all other communities.
There is a zero tolerance policy for racism, transphobia, homophobia, usage of slurs, excessive trolling, NSFW depictions of underage or underage appearing characters, underaged persons entering 18+ spaces, harassing or intentionally making other users uncomfortable, and otherwise offensive or harmful behavior to the detriment of the community. Moderators have the right to revoke or limit access to the server to anyone at anytime as this is a privately operated server offered to the community free of cost.
NSFW sessions subject to verification of age by moderators/operators before being allowed to enter.
An account is required to join and host sessions on this server.
You can use accounts on this server.
This server does not support joining sessions via web browser.