Drawpile 2.0.9

Feb. 25, 2018 by callaa

Version 2.0.9 is now out. The main focus of this release is improved graphics tablet support. If you've been having problems using a graphics tablet with Drawpile, there's a good change this version will fix them.

Drawpile now uses Krita's new Windows Ink support code (good news for all Surface Pro users!), as well as their improved Wintab and XInput2 tablet event handlers.

After updating, remember to try unchecking the "enable bug workarounds" setting. Chances are you won't need it anymore.

Other fixes in this release:

  • Recordings are now prefiltered. This fixes various recording playback problems.
  • Fixed random duplicate frames in exported animations
  • Reverted the real time color history update feature
  • Active color is now remembered independently of the color history when swapping with X


  • The macOS package appears to be broken. (Missing libraries?) I recommend skipping this release and using the previous 2.0.8 version until next release.


Experimental Windows Ink support

Feb. 13, 2018 by callaa

If you're having tablet trouble with Drawpile under Windows 10, here's a new experimental version for you. Normally, Drawpile relies on Qt's built in graphics tablet event handler, which uses the old Wintab API. This experimental update replaces Qt's built-in Wintab support with Krita's new Windows Ink native event handler.

Try out Drawpile 2.0.8 with Windows Ink support

See also the GitHub issue for this feature. Currently, I intend to make this a standard feature in the next release (for the 64 bit version, the 32 bit version will continue to use Wintab,) so if this breaks something for you, please report it so I can hopefully fix it before the actual release.


Drawpile 2.0.8 Release and Roadmap to 2.1.0

Feb. 11, 2018 by callaa

Version 2.0.8 is now out. This will likely be the last release of the 2.0.x branch, unless more severe bugs are found. The next big release will be version 2.1.0.

Important fixes in this version:

  • Regression fix: autoreset no longer removes session permission settings
  • Manual resets now also preserve permissions
  • Fixed password remembering on Windows (also fixed in
  • Fixed that a server password would also get saved for ext-auth (also fixed in
  • Platform input method context plugins are now included in the AppImage

Other improvements:

  • Server: added support for SSL certificate chains and certificate auto-reloading
  • Server: web admin can now be used with socket activation
  • Server: support ext-auth "did" field
  • Better icons for authenticated users and mods
  • New session option: allow only authenticated users to join (requires server version 2.0.8)
  • Chatbox no longer shows "user joined" messages for users already in the session
  • macOS: a new window is now opened when the application icon is clicked if none is currently open.


Drawpile 2.0.7 Release

Jan. 26, 2018 by callaa

Version 2.0.7 is now out, a bit earlier than intended. This release fixes a couple serious bugs introduced in the 2.0.6 release and adds some feature improvements too.

Regression fixes:

  • Windows specific: Fixed a missing DLL that resulted in a Windows 95 UI style
  • Fixed that you couldn't enter a password protected session after logging in with a registered user account
  • Fixed duplicate colors in the color history palette
  • Fixed flipbook downscaling

New features:

  • Added a "remember my password" feature. Makes using registered accounts much easier!
  • Flipbook now upscales if the canvas or cropped area is very small
  • The "show password protected sessions" checkbox now retains its state

Other bug fixes:

  • Fixed that paste & area fill could be done on a locked layer (locally, did not affect other users)
  • Improved selection scaling behavior. Proportional scaling mode now maintains aspect ratio correctly.


  • Password file path was incorrect on Windows. Fixed in Other platforms are not affected.
  • Mac package didn't open in versions older than High Sierra. Fixed in


Drawpile 2.0.6 Release

Jan. 21, 2018 by callaa

Version 2.0.6 is now done! It's been 6 months since the last release, but to make up for it, this update is packed full of new features and bug fixes.

Tablet problems after updating Windows 10

Many have a encountered new tablet bug after installing the Windows 10 creators update: Drawing with a stylus drags the canvas instead of paining. Whether by design or a bug, Windows now generates touch events for the stylus. Touch is typically used for scrolling, which is what is happening here. This change has affected many applications, so it's not just Drawpile.

Currently, there is no true fix to this problem, but there is a workaround: uncheck the "scroll with finger" checkbox in the preferences. If you're not getting any pressure sensitivity, try also checking the "bug workaround mode" checkbox.

Canvas clearing session reset bug

I found a number of distinct bugs that could corrupt the canvas in some circumstances during a session reset. The most easily triggered one is that if a user is drawing at the exact moment the reset finishes, the canvas can disappear entirely. This happend on a per-user basis: users who weren't drawing or joined later were unaffected. This bug is now fixed.

In another case, a client could submit an empty reset. I'm not entirely sure yet what causes it, but I've added a check that blocks empty reset snapshots.

There may be still some reset related bugs remaining, but it should generally work a bit more robustly now.

User accounts

Perhaps the most important new feature in this release is enhanced support for user account registration. Drawpile has supported user accounts for a long time, but without a way for users to register accounts by themselves, it hasn't been of little use.

Version 2.0.6 introduces a new feature that makes it possible for web sites to provide Drawpile user accounts. You will now be able to register a user account here at drawpile.net to use on the public server. It is even possible for other servers to accept drawpile.net accounts or create their own.

At the moment, the only thing you can do with drawpile.net user accounts is reserve usernames to use on the public server, but new website features are coming soon!

Note: if you try logging in using a reserved username with a version older than 2.0.6, you will get a somewhat cryptic error message saying "Invalid state".

Read on for a full list of other new features added and bugs fixed, and also some ideas for future development.