End of the year cleanup

Nov. 16, 2019 by callaa

In preparation for some changes to the web site, I'm doing a little end of the year cleanup.

First, the Gallery section is going away. New submissions are disabled and the entire section will be deleted sometime in the future. In its place, a new Community (name pending) section will be added. The community page will be a place to list your own communities, the server(s) it uses, community specific terms of service, moderator contacts, etc.

Second, unused user accounts will be removed. Any account that hasn't been used in the past year will be automatically deleted, freeing up the usernames for re-registration.


Drawpile 2.1.13 release

Nov. 3, 2019 by callaa

Version 2.1.13 is now out. This is a bugfix release that fixes some regressions introduced in the previous version.

Bugs fixed:

  • Spacebar would have to be pressed again after releasing the mouse/stylus button when dragging
  • Brush color is now initialized properly on fresh install.
  • Eraser now works again without having to explicitly select a color
  • Brush blending mode is saved correctly again
  • Disabled brush preset drag&drop reordering. (Temporary bandaid solution to a regression. Will be fixed properly in the next release.)

Other changes:

  • Replaced pressure checkboxes with toggle buttons to free up some vertical space
  • Removed arbitrary OpenRaster image size limit
  • Enabled High-DPI icons and scaling (crisp toolbar buttons on Retina displays!)


Drawpile 2.1.12 release

Oct. 20, 2019 by callaa

Version 2.1.12 is now out. This release contains various improvements to the user interface.

One big new feature in this version is configurable canvas shortcuts. This allows you to change the shortcut keys for canvas related actions (e.g. scrolling, rotating and color picker mode.) This, unfortunately, meant changing one existing shortcut: pressing the space bar now acts the same as pressing the middle mouse button. This might conflict with your existing muscle memory, but the shortcuts are now fully consistent.

When holding down modifier keys, the mouse cursor is now updated to indicate the active mode: zoom, rotate, color pick or layer pick.

Another big change is improved brush preview and editing. A new visual style is now used to better indicate the effect of the current blending mode. The "watercolor mode" button has been removed, instead smudging is now always available for all brush shapes.

There is also a change in the way brush presets are stored internally. Rather than the settings file or the registry, presets are stored as individual files. This should make it less likely that the presets disappear seemingly with no reason, and it also makes it possible to back up and copy them.

One more big UI change is a new drag handle style for selections. Instead of having to use keyboard shortcuts to rotate a selection, clicking on the selection now switches the handles between scaling and rotation/skew mode.

Bugs fixed:

  • Fixed lockup when opening a layered TIFF file
  • Fixed responsivity of tool quick adjustment by dragging
  • Server: session files are now named consistently
  • Fixed crash when using large-radius color picker near the edge of the canvas

Other changes:

  • Added Italian translation (contributed by Albano Battistella)
  • The same default curve is now used for velocity pressure emulation mode
  • drawpile-cmd: added support for outputting to stdout
  • The same default curve is now used for velocity pressure emulation mode
  • Server: file backed session file naming is now consistent when archive mode is enabled


Drawpile 2.1.11 release

June 23, 2019 by callaa

Version 2.1.11 is now out. In addition to bug fixes, this release adds one long awaited feature: the ability to detach the chat box into a separate window.

Another important change is to the server. IP bans now only apply to guest users. When a user with a registered account is banned, the ban is applied to the account only. This is to combat false positives caused by many unrelated people sharing the same IP address because of NAT.

Bugs fixed:

  • Fixed that brush color was uninitialized on fresh install
  • Fixed that using "/me" in a direct message would send it as a public message
  • Fixed incorrect layer when moving selection if active layer was changed before the move ended
  • Fixed single pixel shift when moving or copy&pasting freeform selections
  • Fixed that read-only listservers were included in the session settings "add listing" buttons
  • Client now refuses to autoreset if it knows it isn't fully caught up yet

Other changes:

  • Join dialog's session list sort order and column is now remembered
  • Server: registered user bans are no longer IP bans
  • Server: op and trusted status is now remembered by user account, rather than username
  • An error message is now shown if a login message is oversize
  • Chat box can now be detached into its own window


Drawpile 2.1.10 release

May 30, 2019 by callaa

Version 2.1.10 is now out. This is a bugfix release with no new features.

The most important change in this version is reduced memory consumption. An error in 2.1.8 ended up causing excessive memory use when joining a large session, which could cause the application to crash when it ran out of memory, especially when using the 32 bit version. This release should fix that and allow the other changes that were added in that version to work properly, leading to even smaller memory footprint than the previous version.

Bugs fixed in 2.1.10:

  • Fixed that settings for the built-in server (such as the default port) were being ignored
  • Fixed that an early undo could clear out the canvas size
  • Fixed excessive memory consumption
  • Fixed canvas jumping when resized by another user
  • Fixed extra messages at the beginning of a session recording
  • Server: fixed that web-admin API HTTP headers were case sensitive

Other changes:

  • Bundled color widgets updated to latest upstream version
  • Application version number is now shown in a tooltip if a session is incompatible