Version 2.2 beta 2

Aug. 11, 2022 by callaa

Hot on the heels of the first 2.2 beta, the second beta release is now out!

This version fixes many issues discovered in the previous release.

Changes include:

  • Fixed smudge color sampling mask offset
  • Fixed annotation loading
  • Added support for /alert chat command in private chats
  • Fixed crash if a group layer was moved by layer deletion
  • Fixed layer lock status updating
  • Fixed preserved chat mode
  • Annotation creator name is now shown in the dock titlebar
  • Restored palette write-protect feature
  • Fixed brush slider limit preferences
  • Layers hidden in frame/onionskin mode are now grayed out in the layer box
  • Modifying the timeline now updates the view immediately
  • New identicon style


Version 2.2 beta

Aug. 4, 2022 by callaa

A long time in the works, the first beta release of Drawpile 2.2 is out!

Despite the seemingly small version number bump, 2.2.0 will be a major release, including many new features and a complete rewrite of the paint engine.

You can download the beta release and give the new features a try. Do note that this is still a Beta version, so you may encounter bugs and broken features!

Two key features introduced in the 2.2 release are group layers and animation timeline.


Version 2.1.20 (and 2.2 development)

Sept. 12, 2021 by callaa

Version 2.1.20 is out. This is a minor bugfix update and possibly the final release of the 2.1.x series.

Changes include:

  • Updated Portugese translations
  • Added more angles to canvas rotation dropdown menu
  • Fixed inconsistency in classic brush rendering
  • Fixed inconsistency in layer resize color sampling
  • Theme (Windows Vista style / Fusion / Fusion Dark mode) is now selectable
  • Fixed that a cleared annotation would not count as empty for the "delete empty annotations" command

This release marks the end of the 2.1 series as the main development branch and the beginning of the development of version 2.2. All new feature development will now happen in the 2.2 branch and only bugfix releases will be made for the 2.1 series.

The dev-2.2 branch incorporates the "rustpile" branch, which is a partial rewrite of Drawpile's core in the Rust programming language. The change in engines is mostly invisible to the end user, except for the increase in performance and stability.


Version 2.1.19

Aug. 6, 2021 by callaa

Hot on the heels of the previous release is version 2.1.19. Among other improvements, this release fixes a performance regression that got into the last version.

Changes include:

  • Fixed performance regression (noticeable especially when using the selection tool on large boards)
  • Fixed crash when adding a new input preset
  • On Windows, the "fusion" widget style is now always used for consistency. (Previously, fusion style was used only with the dark mode.)
  • Added a canvas rotation widget to the status bar.
  • Fixed that invalid canvas resize commands could crash the application
  • Unfinished indirect strokes now get exported properly
  • Fixed graphical corruption in navigator at the start of a session.


Version 2.1.18

July 25, 2021 by callaa

After a long pause, version 2.1.18 is finally out. This release includes the usual bug fixes, as well as a few cool new features, courtesy of Github user askmeaboutlo0m.

Bug fixes include:

  • Fixed inconsistent zooming at certain values
  • Fixed brush size adjustment shortcuts not working consistently
  • Fixed that undo operations would cause the layer list to scroll
  • Fixed moving a layer to the bottom-most position

New features:

  • Added French and Portugese translations
  • Input preferences can now be saved per tool
  • Brush cursor outline width can now be changed
  • Layer properties can now be edited in a dialog
  • Color wheel shape is now selectable
  • Maximum brush size and spacings can now be extended (affects sliders)
  • Added selection perspective transform mode

Breaking changes:

  • The way the active tool settings are saved is not compatible with previous Drawpile versions. Switching back to an older version after using 2.1.18 will result in missing tool settings.